Saturday 21 January 2012


Due to the cold weather, please ensure your child is coming to school dressed properly! Hot Lunch sheets were due today! Please send them in asap. Both groups will be continuing their poetry unit this week. Math will consist of Prism graphing as well as finishing Ch. 6 of Nelson Math. (Nelson Ch. 6 Math test next Wednesday Feb.1, start reviewing ONLY the lessons we worked on.)

Language:  4- pgs 62-65 due Friday (one per day)
                   5- pgs 64-67 due Friday (one per day)

Reading Comprehension:
4’s – Old Pike and the Rattler            - due Monday
5’s – The Amazing Helen Keller (1) – due Monday

Multiplication and Division test Friday


4’s- Nelson Stencils
5’s- Nelson stencil Monday, Prism activities for the rest of the week

*LIBRARY Wednesday*

Have a wonderful week everyone!