Monday 7 May 2012

May 7-11

May has arrived! J Gr. 4s will be working on the English LES “Does Money Matter?” and the 5s will be working on their Underground to Canada project. The 4s will be working on Geometry in their Prism book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 12 of Prism.
Math test on Tuesday.


Language Final reviews: Units 4,5,6 due Friday
Reading Comprehension
4s – The Contest due Monday
5s – Two Sisters due Monday

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 31-35 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½  minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Prism Ch. 13 pages
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 12 pages