Monday, 19 December 2011

Dec. 19-22

The last school week of 2011 J
This week will be filled with fun activities and completing our class projects.

Monday: Language test and projects
Tuesday: projects and School Reward activity in the pm
Wednesday: Geordie Production Show (please bring in a non-perishable food item) Class reward activity
Thursday: Holiday Breakfast and Winter Fair (Pyjama day: please wear comfortable pj's but remember to bring snow pants because you will be going out!)

Sign Unit 3 Language test Tuesday
Occasionally review multiplication and division over the holidays
Gr. 5 – start reviewing Spelling Units 4, 5 and 7; test January 13

We have had an amazing first part of the school year and I know 2012 will be even better!
Let me take this opportunity to wish you health and happiness for you and your family and all the best for 2012!

Monday, 12 December 2011


Here comes the busy Holiday times J Don’t forget to contribute to the Holiday
Food Drive!
Reminders for School Fees and Chocolate Drive have been sent home, please return payment as soon as possible J

We will continue working on completing the Nelson Graphing chapter and leave the Prism book until after the holidays. Multiplication and Division tests continue; we are improving!!!

Gr. 4’s will continue working on a Newspaper/Diorama class project for Charlotte’s Web. Please see the blog entitled: Gr. 4’s Class Project for information.
Gr. 5’s will start their Christmas Carol Diorama project. Please see blog entitled: Grade 5 Diorama project

Language:  4’s: pgs 50-53 due Friday (one per day), 5’s: 51-55 due Friday
                  The Unit 4 Language Test will be on Monday, start reviewing!

Spelling Unit #7 due Monday

Nelson Graphing Stencils


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Grade 5 Diorama Project

Since the grade 5`s would like to make a class model project of their own, I would ask that they focus on Christmas Carols. We have been working with adjectives, synonyms and descriptive language to improve our writing. I would like you to choose a Christmas Carol that you feel has wonderful descriptive language. You are going to make a diorama of this carol using a shoe box, craft materials (from school or home) and any little figurines you may have that you would like to incorporate.  You will work on it in class alone or in pairs and when completed, we will see if we can guess which Christmas carol it is. Please bring in a copy of the lyrics so that you can look it over in class when making your model.
Good Luck and have fun!!!

Monday, 5 December 2011


It is December and winter is taking it’s time thankfully J
We will work on completing the Nelson Graphing chapter and continue working on Prism chapter 4. The Prism test will be on Monday December 12.

Gr. 4’s will be working on a Newspaper/Diorama class project for Charlotte’s Web. Please see the blog entitled: Gr. 4’s Class Project for information.

Language:  pgs 45-48 due Friday (one per day)

Reading Comprehension:
4’s: Annie Christmas a Daring Rescue due Monday Dec.12
5’s: Treasure’s of the Orient 2 due Monday Dec.12

Grade 4’s Spelling Test Wednesday December 7 on Unit 6

Prism: Monday- 4’s: Prism pg: 68
                           5’s: Prism pg: 72

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Gr. 4’s Class Project

Newspaper Diorama Class Project

In groups of 3, you will be making a diorama of the farm that Charlotte and Wilbur live on. Look for pictures and clues from the text as to what the farm consists of. Be sure to include Charlotte’s web and Wilbur’s pen. You can use cardboard, construction paper, play-do, little toy figures, etc.

With that, you will write a newspaper article about what is happening on the farm. Be sure the article talks about an interesting moment from the story. (Worksheets to be handed out in class.)
Since this project will be worked on in class and completed before the Christmas holidays, all you need from home are some of the above mentioned supplies or you may use what we have at school.
Good luck and have fun!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Nov.28 - Dec.2

It’s the end of November already! We’ll continue our novels this week. Grade 5’s will present their Unsolved Mystery class Projects to the class.
We will be working simultaneously on the Nelson graphing chapter as well as Chapter 4 in Prism.
*Library Wednesday*
Reward activity Wednesday

Language:  pgs 39-42 due Friday (one per day)

Spelling Lesson #6 due Monday
Grade 4’s Spelling Test Wednesday December 7 on Unit 6

Prism: Monday- Gr 4: Prism pg: 62
                           Gr 5: Prism pg: 65
Multiplication and Division Test WednesdayJ

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Nov. 21-25

It’s report card time! Report cards are going home tonight and Portfolio night appointments will be on Wednesday between 4:30-7:00pm (ends at 7:30pm). Please be sure to return the attendance coupon sent last week. It is just a 3 day week as Thursday and Friday are ped days.
We will be working simultaneously on the Nelson graphing chapter as well as Chapter 4 in Prism.
No Library this week, Book Fair: Wednesday am for students, evening for families.
Language:  pgs 35-38 due Monday (one per day)

Reading Comprehension: Gr. 4 - Johnny Appleseed - due Monday
                                       Gr. 5 – Treasures of the Orient (1) – due Monday
Prism: Monday- Gr 4 and 5 – graphing stencil, Prism pages and a graphing activities assigned during the week.
Multiplication and Division Quiz Wednesday
Prism Math test will be returned Tuesday for you to look over and sign J

Monday, 14 November 2011

Nov. 14-18

We have already come to mid-November! We have already completed Unit 3 in Prism, and there will be a test on Friday. Review a little each night! We will continue working on Charlotte’s Web and Mudshark this week. Nelson graphing will also be worked on this week.
A note will be sent home for Portfolio Night on November 23 this week; keep a look out for it!
SCHOLASTIC due Tuesday.

Language:  pgs 31-34 due Friday (one per day)

Reading Comprehension: Spelling Lesson #5 due Monday
Multiplication and Division test returns this Wednesday

Prism: review for Friday’s test and a graphing activity assigned during the week.
Have an amazing week everyone!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Nov. 7-11

This week will be a busy one! This morning the students completed a Problem Solving Test for Term 1 evaluation. 4 Questions were taken as is from Prism (they had already been done and corrected last month) and gone over in class. Both grades will be working on completing their novels. Prism Unit 3 will be worked on as well as Nelson graphing.
Remembrance Day is Friday and there will be an assembly before recess.

Language: 4 & 5 – pgs 27-30 due Friday (one per day)

Reading Comprehension: 4- The Ant and the Dove & Dino Discovery – due Monday
                                         5- Influenza – More than Just a Cold – due Monday

Prism: Monday- 4 – pg 52, 5 – pg 58, other pages and a graphing activity assigned during the week.


Language, Reading Comprehension and Math tests will be sent home Thursday for you to look over and sign.
All my students have worked very hard, keep it up!

Monday, 31 October 2011


Happy Halloween everyone! Since it is a special day today and a short week, I will not be assigning much homework J

Language: like last week, study for the Unit 2 test on Wednesday
Prism: a couple of pages will be assigned Tuesday and Wednesday
Sign Prism Test on Tuesday
No Spelling or Reading Comprehension this week
*Grade 5 Spelling Test on Lessons 1,2,3 will be Monday*
Library Wednesday
Ped. Day Friday

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, 24 October 2011


Last week of October already! This week the Grade 4’s will continue their work on Charlotte’s Web and the grade 5’s on Mudshark. I ask that the grade 5’s please be sure to have the information for their Unsolved Mystery at school every day. They are more then welcome to look for more information at home and bring it to school the next day.

Prism Math pages will be assigned this week. There will be a Prism test on Chapter 2 this Friday. Please review a little every night!

Language: 4’s – pgs 21-24 (one page due each day)
Language: 5’s – pgs 19-22 (one page due each day)

Spelling Lesson #4 due Friday October 28
Grade 5’s will have their first spelling test Wednesday November 2 on Lesson’s 1-3
Grade 4’s will have their Spelling test with Lesson #6 in about 3 weeks.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Week of Oct.17-21

First off, I want to say how happy I am with the results of the first math test! Students generally did a great job and I hope it will continue! Just a reminder to ALWAYS look over your work before handing it in. J Sign it tonight and return it tomorrow please.
            Secondly, please keep up the practice for the multiplication and division tests. Corrections and missed equations need to be done in the yellow correction copybook and signed each week.
            This week we will be starting Prism chapter 2 and I will assign some pages for homework.
Language: 4’s – pgs 17-20 (one page due each day)
Language: 5’s – pgs 15-18 (one page due each day)

Reading Comprehension: 4’s – Could Your Body Go to Mars?
                                       5’s – The Horseless Carriage (2)    (due Monday October 24)
Library is every Wednesday.
Terry Fox Run is scheduled for this Friday.
The Grade 5's will be visiting Chateau Ramzey On Tuesday October 25, with Mme. Gosselin J
Have a great week!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Oct. 11-14

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, the weather itself was enough to be thankful for!
 I posted on Friday that the Math test will be separated into 2 parts. For Grade 4's the Prism section today and the Nelson test Friday. For Grade 5's, both sections on Friday.

This week in Language: Grade 4 pages 14-16
                                    Grade 5 pages 12-14
Sign Language test
Spelling Lesson #3 due Monday October 17, 2011

Math: Prism pages
          Multiplication and Division quiz Wednesday
          Tests must be corrected! 3 times for each incorrect problem as well as    the ones that were incomplete. The yellow correction copybook should be signed so I know you are aware of the test scores. I see improvement already in the scores, keep it up J

Scholastic will be due Wednesday.

Grade 4’s:
Since we are reading Charlotte’s web in class, I want each student to find 5 interesting pig facts and five interesting spider facts and type them out on the computer. We will add those to an information poster in class. Bring them in when you are ready, Monday at the latest J

Grade 5’s:
Since we are reading the Mystery novel Mudshark, I would like each student to look into a real life unsolved mystery that intrigues them. Ex: Is there really a lost city of Atlantis? How were the pyramids built? Etc… Look at the site:  for some other ideas or search Unsolved Mysteries for Kids with your parents. Read through a few of them before deciding what you like and bring in your idea with a few sheets that you copied from the internet. Due Monday October 17, 2011. We will use them, for an in-class project.
Let’s have a great week!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Math Test

Just a little note to my 4/5 split students. I had asked that you bring your Nelson Math Textbook home on the weekend to study for the test Tuesday and I see that there is a reminder note on the board. However, looking in many of the desks I see that some of them are still here. I will give the Prism section of the Math Test Tuesday as planned and give the Nelson section on Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Monday, 3 October 2011

Oct. 3-7

Here we are in October and it is already time for tests! A multiple choice Language test will be given this Wednesday. Gr. 4’s: Review pgs 1-13; Gr.5’s: Review pgs 1-11.
There will be a Math test Tuesday October 11. Grade 4’s will include PRISM pgs 22-31. Nelson Math: Ch. 2, lessons: 1,2,3,6 & 8.
Grade 5’s will include PRISM: pgs 23-37. Nelson Math: Ch. 2, lessons: 2, 4, 5 & 11.
I will send the Nelson Math Textbook home over the long weekend for review; in the meantime, the students can look over their stencils in the Math duo tang and the Prism book. If anyone is having difficulty, please ask me in class J

We continue with the Multiplication and Division tests on Wednesday; keep practicing!!!

Reading Comprehension will be due on Tuesday October 11.
Grade 4’s: Critters Cry for Help pgs. 6-9 (including the last activity on pg 9)
Grade 5: The Horseless Carriage pgs. 5-8.

Friday is a ped. day and Monday is a holiday.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving this weekend!

Monday, 26 September 2011

September 26-30

The last week of September has already arrived! This week, the grade 5’s will be embarking on their Mystery theme and the grade 4’s will be finishing off The Field Day from the Black Lagoon.

Multiplication and Division tests were returned Friday with a Hilroy copybook. Please look the tests over, ensure your child writes the corrections and missed equations 3 times each in the copybook and then sign the copybook. For those having trouble, this skill has to be worked on!

Language homework this week: pgs 8-11 (one page is corrected each day)
Spelling: Lesson 2 due Monday October 3
Math: Prism activities and 2 Nelson stencils
Wednesday: Grade 4 Infomercial due
                      Grade 5 Book Report due
Let’s have a great week J

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Week of September 20th

Here is a little update on the work for the week. Language pages 4-6 will be due for Friday, but I will correct one page a day in class. Reading comprehension has been assigned to grade 4 and 5 this week. It will be corrected in class Monday September 26.
The second timed multiplication and division quiz will be given on Wednesday; let’s get those facts memorized!!

Gr. 4 Infomercial Oral: due September 28. The students will present in front of the class and be graded with a rubric by the teacher. Props and index cards are welcome for the presentation. Be imaginative and have fun!

Gr. 5 Book Report: due September 28. The students will be graded on their written work (the stencils handed out last week) and an oral presentation they will give to the class. Please do not read the written stencils for the presentation! Just imagine you have 2 minutes to convince someone they should read your book, what will you say? Feel free to bring in the book, pictures or a poster if you’d like (not mandatory). Let your love of the book shine through!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Multiplication and Division Quiz

Today was the first quiz of the school year! I will not be counting this quiz for the report card, but I am asking that it be used to determine how much studying needs to be done. 50 questions in 5 minutes should be attainable! Repeating the facts out loud, writing them down, playing math games on the computer or getting oral quizzes are all easy ways to practice. I know that next week will be better :)

Monday, 12 September 2011


This week we will be starting our regular homework schedule.

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 1, Tuesday: pg 2, Wednesday: pg 3, Thursday: pg 4, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 4.

Spelling Lesson #1:
I am assigning it today. It would usually be due the following Monday, but since that is a ped day, it will be due this Friday.
*Due to the fact that Gr.5 books have not arrived yet, they will work on the Word Ladder stencils instead.
They must also write their own sentence with each word from the ladder.
Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.

Weekly Multiplication and Division Quizzes:
Start Wednesday. Both grades will be given 5 minutes to complete 50 facts. This will give everyone an idea of how much studying they need to do.

Parents, be sure to initial the agenda every night, and sign the Behaviour Chart in the agenda every Friday.
Let's have a great week!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Welcome 4/5 Split!

Welcome parents and students to the 2011/2012 Hillcrest School Year! The 4/5 class motto is,"Respect and team work are part of the game!" We will all strive to live up to that inside and outside of the classroom.
Check here often for class updates and assignment information. Let's have a great year!