Monday, 26 September 2011

September 26-30

The last week of September has already arrived! This week, the grade 5’s will be embarking on their Mystery theme and the grade 4’s will be finishing off The Field Day from the Black Lagoon.

Multiplication and Division tests were returned Friday with a Hilroy copybook. Please look the tests over, ensure your child writes the corrections and missed equations 3 times each in the copybook and then sign the copybook. For those having trouble, this skill has to be worked on!

Language homework this week: pgs 8-11 (one page is corrected each day)
Spelling: Lesson 2 due Monday October 3
Math: Prism activities and 2 Nelson stencils
Wednesday: Grade 4 Infomercial due
                      Grade 5 Book Report due
Let’s have a great week J

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Week of September 20th

Here is a little update on the work for the week. Language pages 4-6 will be due for Friday, but I will correct one page a day in class. Reading comprehension has been assigned to grade 4 and 5 this week. It will be corrected in class Monday September 26.
The second timed multiplication and division quiz will be given on Wednesday; let’s get those facts memorized!!

Gr. 4 Infomercial Oral: due September 28. The students will present in front of the class and be graded with a rubric by the teacher. Props and index cards are welcome for the presentation. Be imaginative and have fun!

Gr. 5 Book Report: due September 28. The students will be graded on their written work (the stencils handed out last week) and an oral presentation they will give to the class. Please do not read the written stencils for the presentation! Just imagine you have 2 minutes to convince someone they should read your book, what will you say? Feel free to bring in the book, pictures or a poster if you’d like (not mandatory). Let your love of the book shine through!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Multiplication and Division Quiz

Today was the first quiz of the school year! I will not be counting this quiz for the report card, but I am asking that it be used to determine how much studying needs to be done. 50 questions in 5 minutes should be attainable! Repeating the facts out loud, writing them down, playing math games on the computer or getting oral quizzes are all easy ways to practice. I know that next week will be better :)

Monday, 12 September 2011


This week we will be starting our regular homework schedule.

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 1, Tuesday: pg 2, Wednesday: pg 3, Thursday: pg 4, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 4.

Spelling Lesson #1:
I am assigning it today. It would usually be due the following Monday, but since that is a ped day, it will be due this Friday.
*Due to the fact that Gr.5 books have not arrived yet, they will work on the Word Ladder stencils instead.
They must also write their own sentence with each word from the ladder.
Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.

Weekly Multiplication and Division Quizzes:
Start Wednesday. Both grades will be given 5 minutes to complete 50 facts. This will give everyone an idea of how much studying they need to do.

Parents, be sure to initial the agenda every night, and sign the Behaviour Chart in the agenda every Friday.
Let's have a great week!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Welcome 4/5 Split!

Welcome parents and students to the 2011/2012 Hillcrest School Year! The 4/5 class motto is,"Respect and team work are part of the game!" We will all strive to live up to that inside and outside of the classroom.
Check here often for class updates and assignment information. Let's have a great year!