Monday, 17 December 2012

Dec. 17-21

The last school week of 2012 J
This week will be filled with fun activities and finishing our units in different topics.

Monday: Spelling Test and Geordie Production Show
Tuesday: Language test and 4,5,6 Music Concert in the pm
                    4,5,6 Music Concert for parents 7pm
Wednesday: Math Graphing test
Thursday: Reward Activity, Holiday Bingo in the pm
Friday: Holiday
Breakfast and Winter Fair (Pyjama day: please wear comfortable pj's but remember to bring snow pants because you will be going out!)

Occasionally review multiplication, division and problem solving over the holidays.

We have had an amazing first part of the school year and I know 2013 will be even better!
Let me take this opportunity to wish you health and happiness for you and your family and all the best for 2013!


Monday, 10 December 2012

Dec. 10-14

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Please return the yellow Report Card envelope if you haven’t already done so.
We will try to finish our Poetry unit this week. Great job to those of you who were able to complete the Power Point Poetry assignment on Edmodo. We will work on it in class today if you were unable to complete it.
Our final poetry assignment will be handed in though Edmodo next week.
No new Problem Solving strategies, Reading Comprehension or Spelling lessons until after Christmas.

·       Bring in Toonies for Turkeys on Tuesday
·       Geordie productions Monday December 17, bring in a non perishable food item
·       Library is every Thursday
·       AGAPE Food Drive


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 48 Tuesday: pg 49, Wednesday: pg 50, Thursday: pg 51

Language Power test on Unit 3, Tuesday December 18

Reading Comprehension:

Spelling Lesson 6 was due today.   Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.
There will be a Spelling test on Monday December 17 on the Lesson 6 words.

We will continue Graphing this week. Prism Ch. 16 lessons 1 and 2 as well as Nelson Ch. 3, Lessons #s 1,2,4,5. Will be worked on this week.
Monday: Nelson Math stencil: pg 20

Math test on the above lessons: Wednesday December 19

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Power Point Poetry

This weekend we are going to practice putting text on a picture using Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Word. The assignment will be turned in on Edmodo. I have gone over the steps in class, given examples on the Smart Board and written detailed instructions. This is a practice for the final poetry project that will be due before Christmas. If you try hard and you cannot complete it, please be sure your picture was turned in through Edmodo and bring the memory stick to school on Monday. You can stay in at lunch and complete it with me.

You are going to practice putting text on a picture using Microsoft Powerpoint. You also need to have the poem you typed in class opened in Microsoft Word, in another tab.

Step 1) On the first Powerpoint slide, For the title, write” My Practice poem” use your own name instead of the word my. Move the title to the top of the page.

Step 2) Click the middle of the page, then click on Insert, then Picture, then From File. Click on the picture you sent though Edmodo last week. It will appear on your slide.

Step 3) Now click on Insert, then Text Box. Your cursor will become a little line. Click on the area of your image that you would like the poem to appear.

Step 4) Copy the text of your poem from Microsoft Word. Highlight it by clicking right where your text begins, then drag your mouse down until the last word of the poem. It should be highlighted. Right click over part of the text and select copy.

Step 5) Go back to the Powerpoint slide. Right click inside the text box, then click on paste. Now your text is on the picture. If you want to change the font, color or size, highlight the text, then click on the colored A button to change the color, or the number with the arrow to change the size.

Step 6) Click on the image to see the final product. If you are happy, click on File, then Save As and give a name to your poem.

Step 7) Turn it in through Edmodo.

I look forward to seeing them all!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Dec. 3-7

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Please return the yellow Report Card envelope.
We will try to finish our Poetry unit this week. The fourth Edmodo Assignment was due today.
Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture and Organized list.
There will be a  Look For a Pattern Quiz on Friday

·       Library is every Thursday
·       AGAPE Food Drive


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 42 Tuesday: pg 43, Wednesday: pg 44, Thursday: pg 45

Reading Comprehension:
Annie Christmas a Daring Rescue was due today

Spelling Lesson 6 is due Monday December 10.   Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.
There will be a Spelling test on Monday December 17 on the Lesson 6 words.

We will start Graphing this week. Prism Ch. 16 lessons 1 and 2 as well as Nelson Ch. 3, Lessons #s 1,2,4,5. Will be worked on this week.

Monday: Prism pg 204, #s 1,2,3,4

Have a wonderful week!