Monday, 16 December 2013

Gr.42 Dec.16-20

Group 42

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. This will be our last week together for 2013! Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and all the best for 2014 J

*Homework is assigned this week to keep the pace with Group 41. There will be a lot of class time given to complete the work so it is possible there won’t be much to do at home* J

Tuesday- Gr.4,5,6 Music Show 2pm, parents welcome
Wednesday- Reward activity
Friday- Pyjama day and Holiday Breakfast

Here are the test dates for this week.
Wednesday Dec.18 – Organized List Problem Solving Quiz
Sign and Return Draw a Picture test

* Make an Organized List is our Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a quiz on Wednesday December 18.*

·        5 minute x-table tests will be held every Tuesday.
·        Library every Tuesday
·        Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.
·        TCBY Wednesday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg. 32 Tuesday: pg. 33 Wednesday: pg. 34-35 Thursday:-

Reading Comprehension:
I will be assigning one story from the Reading Comprehension activity book each English week. It will be due the Friday of that week.

This week’s story: Read, record and answer questions from a Raz Kids book selection, due Friday.

Lesson 8 is due Friday – students will have time during the week to work on it in class.
Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY Sign and Correct Spelling Test on Lesson 6 (mistakes 3x each on the back of the sheet)

Math:  Sign and Return Money Test
This week we will work on 3 and 4 digit addition and subtraction.

Monday: Prism: pg 48
Tuesday: Prism pg.50
Wednesday: Prism pg. 52
Thursday: Prism pg.54

Have a great week!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Gr.41 Dec.9-13

Group 41

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. This will be our last week together for 2013! Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and all the best for 2014 J

Here are the test dates for this week.
Wednesday Dec.11 – Organized List Problem Solving Quiz

* Make an Organized List is our Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a quiz on Wednesday December 11.*

·        5 minute x-table tests will be held every Thursday.
·        Library every Wednesday
·        Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.
·        TCBY Wednesday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg. 32 Tuesday: pg. 33 Wednesday: pg. 34 - Thursday:pg.35

Reading Comprehension:
I will be assigning one story from the Reading Comprehension activity book each English week. It will be due the Friday of that week.

This week’s story: Read, record and answer questions from a Raz Kids book selection, due Friday.

Lesson 8 is due Friday – students will have time during the week to work on it in class.
Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY Sign and Correct Spelling Test on Lesson 6 (mistakes 3x each on the back of the sheet)

Math:  Sign and Return Money Test
This week we will work on 3 and 4 digit addition and subtraction.

Monday: Prism: pg 48
Tuesday: Prism pg.50
Wednesday: Prism pg. 52
Thursday: Prism pg.54

Have a great week!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Gr. 42 Dec.2-6

Group 42

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. J Here are the test dates for this week.
Monday Dec.2 - Draw a Picture Problem Solving Quiz
Tuesday Dec.3 - Spelling Test on Lesson 6
Friday Dec.6 - Money Test (counting money, making change, adding and subtracting amounts)

* Make an Organized List is our Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a quiz on Wednesday December 18.*

This week the children will be creating a game or toy as part of their Invention Learning and Evaluation Situation. I have informed them the could bring in objects from home to help in their creation (ex: craft materials, little figurines, twist ties, plastic bottle caps etc.) or their will be materials provided at school. Objects will be returned when the project is over. Electronics are not allowed for this activity, so it will be interesting to see where their imagination takes them!

·        5 minute x-table tests will be held every Tuesday.
·        Library every Tuesday
·        Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.
·        TCBY Wednesday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 27 Tuesday: pg 28 Wednesday: pg. 29 - Thursday:pg.30
Sign Unit 2 Test

Reading Comprehension:
I will be assigning one story from the Reading Comprehension activity book each English week. It will be due the Friday of that week.

This week’s story: Annie Christmas a Daring Rescue pgs 24-29 due Friday

Lesson 7 is due Friday – students will have time during the week to work on it in class.
Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY Spelling Test Tuesday on Lesson 6

Math:  Sign and Return Nelson Ch.2 Test
Money Test Friday December 6 on Prism Ch.7(no multiplication)
Nelson Ch.2 Lesson 8, Ch.4 Lessons 9&10, Money Stencils

Monday: Nelson Stencil: pg 38
Tuesday: Prism pg.100
Wednesday: Nelson pg.39
Thursday: Prism: pg.103 (no multiplication)

Have a great week!