Welcome Groups 43 & 44!
Ms. Telishewsky’s Grade 4 Blog
Ms. Telishewsky’s Grade 4 Blog
A big hello and welcome to all my new students and parents for the 2017/2018 school year!!! I am the homeroom teacher for group 44 (room 201) as well as the Math and English Language Arts instructor for groups 43 & 44. Until the month of December, I am happy to be working with Miss Provias, a student teacher from McGill.
Please bring the following:
1) Pencil crayons
2) 4 boxes of Kleenex
3) 2 containers of disinfectant wipes
4) A small hand sanitizer for lunch box
Please bring the following:
1) Pencil crayons
2) 4 boxes of Kleenex
3) 2 containers of disinfectant wipes
4) A small hand sanitizer for lunch box
During the school year, I will be posting homework and announcements on this blog. I will update it during the week if necessary. Mme Gallant and I will continue working on The Paper Friendly Classroom. We each have a class set of Google Chromebooks we will be using regularly in class. Some activities will be assigned through Google Classroom; an educational free web based platform and learning network that we will set up at school. Students can access their work from anywhere using the Google Classroom app or signing in on a computer. I encourage you to use the link found on this blog page to learn more about it. I will be getting the students started on it next week.
I am sending home an invitation for both students and parents to make a Class Dojo account. You will be able to keep up to date with your child’s behaviour and receive messages from me.
*School fees must be sent in this week*
The students glued a schedule into their agendas.
Groups 43 & 44: Gym will be on Tuesday and Friday
(A pair of running shoes used solely for the gym are necessary)
Library: Wednesday
Please read the agenda this week. Fill in the student information area. Go over the rules with your child. Sign all the appropriate areas: pages PE-14 & pg.1. Please ensure you read and sign the SWL Computer Policy and Online Safety link.
Please label the Math books. The Numbers Reference Book may be kept at home for studying.
Please label the Math books. The Numbers Reference Book may be kept at home for studying.
· Scholastic will be my responsibility for both groups. I will send the envelope home for both French and English. Remember Scholastic only accepts cheques or you may pay online. No CASH please.
· Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.
· Curriculum Night will be held Thursday September 7. I will discuss our program and give insights into our daily class life.
Let’s make 2017/2018 a wonderful school year!