Monday, 30 January 2012


Both groups will be continuing their poetry unit this week. Math will consist of Prism graphing. As I stated last week, there will be a Ch. 6 Nelson Math test on Friday (instead of Wednesday).

Language:  4- pgs 66-69 due Friday (one per day)
                   5- pg 68
There will be a Language Test on Unit #4 on Monday for the 5’s and Tuesday for the 4’s.

Spelling Lesson #9 - due Monday

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, we now have 60 equations in 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

Math test review:
Nelson Ch. 6 Lessons:
4- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 - The multiplying and dividing are very easy in this chapter. I am looking for the students to be able to tell me what strategy they used to solve these problems; ex: doubling, halve and double, number neighbours etc. Fact families and arrays will also be included on the test.

5- 1 (including area), 2,4,6,7,9

4’s- Prism pg: 208
5’s- Prism pg: 104

*LIBRARY Wednesday*