Gr. 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Oral Presentation
The book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was written in the year 1972 and takes place in New York City . We have noticed some differences and similarities between Peter’s life and the life of a 10 year old today. I want you to have a discussion with one of your parents and compare their grade 4 life with your grade 4 life.
- rules set by parents (ex: chores, bedtime etc.)
- school life (ex: class size, distance, rules, projects)
- extra curricular activities
- favorite past times (TV shows, books, games, music, sports)
- cost differences (ex: price of a movie in 1982 and 2012)
- Any other comparisons!
Make a comparison chart to write out the differences between your parent’s year and your year (handwritten is fine). You can decorate it with pictures or photos if you like.
Everyone will share their findings with the class on Wednesday April 24, 2012.
When presenting your Oral, please keep in mind:
- it does not have to be memorized, just be sure to be comfortable with your material and look at your audience occasionally
- Speak clearly and at a comfortable pace
- Speak with expression!!!
I look forward to hearing your presentations!
Ms. Telishewsky
Gr. 5 Superfudge Oral Presentation
Peter finds out he has to move from New York City to nearby New Jersey . It isn’t easy for him to leave his friends and the way of life he is used to. His parents feel that life in Princeton will be a good experience for them: fresh air, a backyard, quiet etc.
If one of your parents had to move for a job, what city would be a good experience for you? You can pick one you have visited before or a city you have always wanted to visit.
Please include:
§ The location of the city (include a map)
§ The climate, is it urban or suburban
§ The tourist attractions
§ Why you chose the city
§ What type of dwelling would you live in (is it different from what you live in now? Explain)
§ Strategies that would make starting in a new school easier
Please complete a poster with your maps and pictures.
When presenting your Oral, please keep in mind:
- it does not have to be memorized, just be sure to be comfortable with your material and look at your audience occasionally
- Speak clearly and at a comfortable pace
- Speak with expression!!!
Projects will be presented Friday April 26!
Have fun J