Thursday, 29 August 2013

Welcome Groups 41 &42!

Welcome to Ms. Telishewsky’s Grade 4 Blog!

Please check here every Monday (or Tuesday if there is a ped. day) for weekly homework and announcements. I will update during the week occasionally if necessary.

For my homeroom Group 41, the students glued a schedule into their agendas on Friday.

Group 41: Gym will be on Tuesday and Thursday
(A pair of running shoes used solely for the gym are necessary)
                  Library will be on Wednesday afternoons

Group 42: Gym will be on Monday and Wednesday
(A pair of running shoes used solely for the gym are necessary)
                  Library will be on Tuesday afternoons

Please read through the agenda this weekend. Fill in the student information area. Go over the rules with your child. Sign all the appropriate areas: pages PE 8, PE 12, PE 13.
Please label the Prism Math book.


Our theme this year is art, specifically Symbolism for Grade 4s. If you should have any old calendars or postcards you are willing to part with, I would greatly accept them. Famous Symbolist artists include:
Pierre Purvis de Chavannes, Vilhelm Hammershoi, Ferdinand Hodler, Gustav Klimt, Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon, etc.

·School fees must be paid before activity books will be sent home (agendas included)
·Scholastic is now a homeroom responsibility. I will send the envelope home for Gr.41, French and English, next week. Remember Scholastic only accepts cheques, no cash pleaseJ
·Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.
·Hot lunches start September 16
·Curriculum Night will be held Thursday September 19. I will discuss our program and give insights into our daily class life.

Let’s make 2013/2014 a wonderful school year!