Monday, 20 October 2014

Gr. 42 Oct.20-24

Group 42

* Update: Gr. 41 & 42 I am sending home a Situational Problem to be worked on as practice for the exam. I am also including the answer sheet so it is clear what the expectations are. Feel free to adjust the numbers on your own if you feel your child needs extra practice.

Send me a picture of your Halloween costume through Edmodo :)

Welcome back group 42! I am looking forward to hearing the Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing presentations this week! There will be the Section 5-8 Math test this Friday. I will return the corrected tests on Monday October 27 and post the grades on Edmodo. That way it will be clear what areas need to worked on for the Math Theme 1 exam (Tuesday Nov.4). I am assigning Math Workbook pages 46-53 to be completed as a review for the Theme 1 exam. Complete them at your leisure; I will only check them on November 3. I will post the answers on Edmodo during the week of October 27 and answer any questions in class on November 3.


·        Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing projects due Friday October 24
·        Math test on Sections 1-4, please sign and return, grades are on Edmodo
·        Math test on Sections 5-8 Friday October 24, Math Unit 1-8 Exam Tuesday November 4.
·        Study x-tables, 5 minutes per night; Quiz every Thursday.
·        TCBY this Wednesday
·        Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 15 Tuesday: pg.16  Wednesday: pg.17 Thursday: pg. 18
Sign Language Power test (grades on Edmodo)

Reading Comprehension:
None this week

Lesson 4 is due Friday October 24 – students have had time during the week to work on it in class.
Spelling Tests with lessons 6, 12 & 18 ONLY

Math: We will continue our Math Program, Numbers-workbook A.
·        Math test: Math test on Sections 5-8 Friday October 24, Math Unit 1-8 Exam Tuesday November 4.

5 minute x-table test this Thursday
Monday: Stencil 1-7 pg 1,2
Tuesday: Stencil 1-8 pg 1
Wednesday: Stencil 1-8 pg 2
Thursday: Review sections 5-8

Let’s have a great week!