Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Gr.44 Sept.4-8 and switch classes

Group 44
Hello Group 44! Here we go with our first homework blog for the year. If there is anyone who doesn’t have pages PE 14 and pg.1 signed, please do so this evening.
On Wednesday we will have logged on and activated the SWL student account on our Google Chromebooks. I would ask that the students log on at some point this weekend to play a Grammar game that goes with our lessons this week. (It will only be posted Friday).
Using the Google Chrome browser (preferable), they type: classroom.google.com in the address bar. Their username is their student number ex: 12345@swlsb.ca. Password is the one they chose in class. (see post-it in the agenda pocket and leave it at home.) The will enter my class group and use the link provided to play the game. This is a private group and no other students than group 44 will have access to it. Thank-you for your co-operation and I will go over how we will be using the Google Chromebooks/Classroom at Open House Thursday September 7.
· Study x-tables, 5 minutes per night
· Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.

Language Power:
Monday: -
Tuesday: complete pgs.6&7
Wednesday: pg.8
Thursday: pg.9

Reading Comprehension: It will be assigned on Monday (Sept.11) during the switch period with French (Week 2). It will be due Friday (Sept.15).
*Dinner Time - it has been worked on in class during the week. If incomplete, it becomes homework Thursday night.

It will be assigned on Monday (Sept.11) during the switch period with French (Week 2). It will be due Friday (Sept.15).
*Unit 1 – it has been worked on in class during the week. If incomplete, it becomes homework Thursday night. There are no weekly spelling tests. There will be one test per term using lessons 6, 12 &18.

Monday: -
Tuesday: stencil 1-1 (side 1)
Wednesday: stencil 1-1 (side 2)
Thursday: stencil 1-2 (side 1 Number 1 only)

Let’s have a wonderful week!