Monday, 2 November 2020

Gr.41 Nov.2-6

 Hello Group 41! This week we are presenting our favorite book in a “Book Tasting” to the class. We will also be starting a novel "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."

I will also be adding the Classwork to my blog from now on, that way the students at home can keep up with their work.

Videos and lessons will be sent on Google Classroom to go with the lessons I teach. They will only be posted on the day I am teaching that lesson.

Upcoming Tests:


Units 5-8 Test: returned for signing on Thursday October 29

Themes 1-8 Exam: Wednesday Nov.4 & Thursday Nov.5 


Language Power:

Unit 1 Work With Vocabulary Test – see results in Google Classroom

Unit 2 Build Sentences Test – Wednesday November 18

Students will need their red math duotangs for the Tuesday/Friday switch periods during French week.



· Study x-tables, 5 minutes per night

· Please bring in a reusable water bottle every day.


ELA Classwork

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

·       Book Tasting: Pick a book that you absolutely love, one that you can read over again and that you would recommend for others to read.

·       Fill in the provided “Book Tasting” sheet so that your classmates can get a “taste” of why your book is so amazing and why they should read it. We’ll be presenting it to each other in class.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

·       We will be reading the first two chapters of our novel.

·       Ch. 1 activities on Google Classroom 42 Reading will be completed.

Language Power:

Monday: pg.30

Tuesday: pg. 31-32

Wednesday: pg. 33

Thursday: pg. 34

Friday: -


*Unit  5 – due Friday November 6. It has been worked on in class during the week. If incomplete, it becomes homework Thursday night. There are no weekly spelling tests. There will be one test per term using lessons 6, 12 &18.


Monday: Review Units 1-8 for Math Exam Class: Numbers pgs.52&53

Tuesday:  Review Units 1-8 for Math Exam Class: Numbers: pgs.46-51

Wednesday:  Review Units 1-8 for Math Exam Class: Unit 1-8 Exam (computation)

Thursday: Review Units 1-8 for Math Exam Class: Problem Solving Portion of Units 1-8 Exam

Friday: - 

Let’s have a wonderful week!