Please check every Monday (or Tuesday if there is a ped. Day) for weekly homework and announcements.
Please be sure your child brings a reusable water bottle to school every day!
This week we will be starting our regular homework schedule.
For Language Power:
Monday: pg 2, Tuesday: pg 3, Wednesday: pg 4, Thursday: pg 5, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 5. There will be a test at the end of every unit. I will give one week to practice.
Reading Comprehension:
I assign a story every other week on Monday and the students have a week to complete it. We correct the following Monday. This week is: Dinner Time pgs 1-5
Next week, Spelling Lesson 1 will be assigned. I assign a lesson every other week on Monday and the students have a week to complete it. We correct the following Monday. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18.
Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Nelson Math stencils will also be sent home. When there is a test, I will let you know which Prism chapter and which Nelson lessons will be included on the test.
Weekly Multiplication and Division Quizzes:
Start Tuesday. Students will be given 5 minutes to complete 50 facts. This will give everyone an idea of how much studying they need to do.
I will be including links on my page that the students can use for educational entertainment as well as links that go with our class themes.
Parents, be sure to initial the agenda every night, and sign the Behaviour Chart in the agenda every Friday.
Let’s make this a wonderful year!