5 Minute Multiplication Quiz
Yesterday was the first quiz of the school year! I will not be counting this quiz for the report card, but I am asking that it be used to determine how much studying needs to be done. 50 questions in 5 minutes should be attainable! Repeating the facts out loud, writing them down, playing math games on the computer or getting oral quizzes are all easy ways to practice. I know that next week will be better :)
Infomercial Oral
Instructions can be found in the Field Day From the Black Lagoon activity book. The students will present in front of the class and be graded with a rubric by the teacher. Props and index cards are welcome for the presentation.
Some students asked if they can record it at home and bring it in on a USB key to watch on the Smart Board. I am willing to give this a try. The format would have to be compatible with Windows Media Player though. If I cannot get the presentation to work at school, they will have to present in front of the class the next day. Be imaginative and have fun!
PROJECT DUE: Thursday October 4, 2012.