Monday, 29 October 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We continue working on our Poetry unit this week. Congratulations to all the students that handed in their first assignment on Edmodo! I will be marking them this week.
Please continue work on the x-tables. Those having trouble should show some improvement each week if they are practicing. Please be sure corrections are done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday.
Each Tuesday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture. This Quiz was a BIG challenge for most students. Please continue practicing these occasionally at home.
Information on how to use Edmodo can be found using the following links:

Parent tutorial

·        Halloween is Wednesday! Costumes without accessories are allowed J
·       Library is every Thursday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 24, Tuesday: pg 25 + 26, Wednesday: Halloween, Thursday: Study, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.  UNIT 2 LANGUAGE TEST on FRIDAY.
Pgs 14-26

Reading Comprehension:
The Ant and the Dove + A Dino Discovery due Monday Nov.5 (Complete Dino Discovery Write About It activity)

Spelling Lesson 3 was due today.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism, Nelson Math stencils and Problem Solving will be assigned during the week
Nelson Math Ch. 2 will be completed this week.

Have a wonderful week!