Tuesday, 9 October 2012

October 9-12

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend! The Infomercial Oral presentations were AMAZING! It was wonderful to see the imaginative ideas the students came up with. This Thursday, the x-table quiz will be counted for marks. Corrections must be done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday. Please be sure the x-tables are practiced every night. Even 5 minutes can make a difference!

Please note: Wednesday: Language test on Unit 1 (up to pg. 13)
**Library is on Thursdays**


For Language Power:
Monday: holiday, Tuesday: review for tomorrow’s test, Wednesday: pg 14, Thursday: pg 15, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.
Please review pages 1-13, Language Test on Wednesday October 10.

Reading Comprehension:
Critters Cry for Help was due today

Spelling Lesson 2 is due Monday. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Chapter 1 in Prism is complete. We start Chapter 2 this week. Chapters 1&2 will be tested at the same time.
Tuesday: Prism pg. 33
Wednesday: Prism pg 36
Have a wonderful week!