I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Last week we started our Poetry Learning and Evaluation Situation. This is a practice activity for the end of year LES that the grade four students must complete. This unit will involve both classroom activities and assignments on Edmodo. Please continue work on the x-tables. Those having trouble should show some improvement each week if they are practicing. Please be sure corrections are done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday.
The first Edmodo activity was delayed to this week. Information on how to use Edmodo can be found using the following links:
Student tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMThesvG1Lg&feature=related
Parent tutorial
· Piccola Gioia (hot lunch) orders are due Tuesday.
· Please send in Vaccination forms
· Friday is Free Dress (please send in 1$ or 2$ for the Children’s Hospital Foundation)
· Library is every Thursday
For Language Power:
Monday: pg 20, Tuesday: pg 21, Wednesday: pg 22, Thursday: pg 23, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.
Monday: pg 20, Tuesday: pg 21, Wednesday: pg 22, Thursday: pg 23, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.
Reading Comprehension:
Could Your Body Go to Mars was due today
Spelling Lesson 3 due Monday October 29. Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.
Pages in Math Prism, Nelson Math stencils and Problem Solving will be assigned during the week
PRISM chapters 1&2 test on Thursday.
Have a wonderful week!