Monday, 17 December 2012

Dec. 17-21

The last school week of 2012 J
This week will be filled with fun activities and finishing our units in different topics.

Monday: Spelling Test and Geordie Production Show
Tuesday: Language test and 4,5,6 Music Concert in the pm
                    4,5,6 Music Concert for parents 7pm
Wednesday: Math Graphing test
Thursday: Reward Activity, Holiday Bingo in the pm
Friday: Holiday
Breakfast and Winter Fair (Pyjama day: please wear comfortable pj's but remember to bring snow pants because you will be going out!)

Occasionally review multiplication, division and problem solving over the holidays.

We have had an amazing first part of the school year and I know 2013 will be even better!
Let me take this opportunity to wish you health and happiness for you and your family and all the best for 2013!


Monday, 10 December 2012

Dec. 10-14

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Please return the yellow Report Card envelope if you haven’t already done so.
We will try to finish our Poetry unit this week. Great job to those of you who were able to complete the Power Point Poetry assignment on Edmodo. We will work on it in class today if you were unable to complete it.
Our final poetry assignment will be handed in though Edmodo next week.
No new Problem Solving strategies, Reading Comprehension or Spelling lessons until after Christmas.

·       Bring in Toonies for Turkeys on Tuesday
·       Geordie productions Monday December 17, bring in a non perishable food item
·       Library is every Thursday
·       AGAPE Food Drive


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 48 Tuesday: pg 49, Wednesday: pg 50, Thursday: pg 51

Language Power test on Unit 3, Tuesday December 18

Reading Comprehension:

Spelling Lesson 6 was due today.   Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.
There will be a Spelling test on Monday December 17 on the Lesson 6 words.

We will continue Graphing this week. Prism Ch. 16 lessons 1 and 2 as well as Nelson Ch. 3, Lessons #s 1,2,4,5. Will be worked on this week.
Monday: Nelson Math stencil: pg 20

Math test on the above lessons: Wednesday December 19

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Power Point Poetry

This weekend we are going to practice putting text on a picture using Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Word. The assignment will be turned in on Edmodo. I have gone over the steps in class, given examples on the Smart Board and written detailed instructions. This is a practice for the final poetry project that will be due before Christmas. If you try hard and you cannot complete it, please be sure your picture was turned in through Edmodo and bring the memory stick to school on Monday. You can stay in at lunch and complete it with me.

You are going to practice putting text on a picture using Microsoft Powerpoint. You also need to have the poem you typed in class opened in Microsoft Word, in another tab.

Step 1) On the first Powerpoint slide, For the title, write” My Practice poem” use your own name instead of the word my. Move the title to the top of the page.

Step 2) Click the middle of the page, then click on Insert, then Picture, then From File. Click on the picture you sent though Edmodo last week. It will appear on your slide.

Step 3) Now click on Insert, then Text Box. Your cursor will become a little line. Click on the area of your image that you would like the poem to appear.

Step 4) Copy the text of your poem from Microsoft Word. Highlight it by clicking right where your text begins, then drag your mouse down until the last word of the poem. It should be highlighted. Right click over part of the text and select copy.

Step 5) Go back to the Powerpoint slide. Right click inside the text box, then click on paste. Now your text is on the picture. If you want to change the font, color or size, highlight the text, then click on the colored A button to change the color, or the number with the arrow to change the size.

Step 6) Click on the image to see the final product. If you are happy, click on File, then Save As and give a name to your poem.

Step 7) Turn it in through Edmodo.

I look forward to seeing them all!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Dec. 3-7

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Please return the yellow Report Card envelope.
We will try to finish our Poetry unit this week. The fourth Edmodo Assignment was due today.
Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture and Organized list.
There will be a  Look For a Pattern Quiz on Friday

·       Library is every Thursday
·       AGAPE Food Drive


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 42 Tuesday: pg 43, Wednesday: pg 44, Thursday: pg 45

Reading Comprehension:
Annie Christmas a Daring Rescue was due today

Spelling Lesson 6 is due Monday December 10.   Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.
There will be a Spelling test on Monday December 17 on the Lesson 6 words.

We will start Graphing this week. Prism Ch. 16 lessons 1 and 2 as well as Nelson Ch. 3, Lessons #s 1,2,4,5. Will be worked on this week.

Monday: Prism pg 204, #s 1,2,3,4

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 26 November 2012

Nov. 26-30

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! I hope everyone found something positive and something to work with their Term 1 report card. You may keep the report, but please return the yellow envelope.
We will try to finish our Poetry unit this week. There wasn’t enough time last week so the students will have their fourth Edmodo Assignment due next week.
Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture and Organized list.
Now we move onto Look For a Pattern.

·       Library is every Thursday


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 38 Tuesday: pg 39, Wednesday: pg 40, Thursday: pg 41

Reading Comprehension:
Annie Christmas a Daring Rescue due December 3

Spelling Lesson 5 was due today.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Prism Ch. 3 will be worked on this week. There will be a Math test on Monday December 3.

Monday: Prism pg. 56

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 19 November 2012

Nov. 19-23

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We have a short school week ahead. Thursday and Friday are ped days. We continue working on our Poetry unit this week. The students will have their fourth Edmodo Assignment due next week. Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture and Organized list.
* Organized list Quiz was given Monday November 19 * Now we move onto Look For a Pattern.
Note: If I am unable to accommodate you on Parent’s Night and you have any concerns after looking over your child’s report card, please write a note in the agenda as to what is the best time to contact you and I will be happy to give you a call.

·        Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday
·        Lunch Orders due Tuesday
·        Scholastic Book Fair Wednesday in the am for group 43
·       Parent Teacher Meeting Wednesday 4:00-7:00pm (by appointment)
·       Library is every Thursday


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 35 Tuesday: pg 36, Wednesday: pg 37

Reading Comprehension:
Johnny Appleseed was due today

Spelling Lesson 5 is due Monday November 26.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Prism Ch. 3 will be worked on this week.
Monday: Prism pg. 54

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Nov. 12-16

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We continue working on our Poetry unit this week. The students will have their third Edmodo Assignment at the end of the week. Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture and Organized list.
* Organized list Quiz will be given Monday November 19 *

·        Scholastic due Wednesday
·       Library is every Thursday


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 31 Tuesday: pg 32, Wednesday: pg 33, Thursday: pg 34

Reading Comprehension:
Johnny Appleseed is due Monday Nov.19

Spelling Lesson 4 was due today.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Prism Ch. 3 will be worked on this week.
Monday: Prism pg. 48

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Nov. 5-9

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We continue working on our Poetry unit this week. The students will have their second Edmodo Assignment at the end of the week. Each Monday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture.
* Guess and Check Re-Test was given today *

·        Class picture orders are due tomorrow
·        Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday
·       Library is every Thursday


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 27, Tuesday: pg 28, Wednesday: pg 29, Thursday: pg 30
*Please sign Unit 2 test and return to school*

Reading Comprehension:
The Ant and the Dove + A Dino Discovery due Monday Nov.5 (Complete Dino Discovery Write About It activity) was due today

Spelling Lesson 4 is due Monday Nov. 12.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Nelson Math stencils and Problem Solving will be assigned during the week
Nelson Math Ch. 2 will be completed this week,
Test On Friday Ch. 2 Lessons: #s: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 29 October 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We continue working on our Poetry unit this week. Congratulations to all the students that handed in their first assignment on Edmodo! I will be marking them this week.
Please continue work on the x-tables. Those having trouble should show some improvement each week if they are practicing. Please be sure corrections are done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday.
Each Tuesday, we will be working on a new Problem Solving strategy. Please use the problems we work on in class to as additional practice. Just change the numbers! There will be a short Problem Solving Quiz after each topic is covered. So far we have completed Guess and Check and Draw a Picture. This Quiz was a BIG challenge for most students. Please continue practicing these occasionally at home.
Information on how to use Edmodo can be found using the following links:

Parent tutorial

·        Halloween is Wednesday! Costumes without accessories are allowed J
·       Library is every Thursday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 24, Tuesday: pg 25 + 26, Wednesday: Halloween, Thursday: Study, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.  UNIT 2 LANGUAGE TEST on FRIDAY.
Pgs 14-26

Reading Comprehension:
The Ant and the Dove + A Dino Discovery due Monday Nov.5 (Complete Dino Discovery Write About It activity)

Spelling Lesson 3 was due today.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism, Nelson Math stencils and Problem Solving will be assigned during the week
Nelson Math Ch. 2 will be completed this week.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 22 October 2012

October 22-26

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Last week we started our Poetry Learning and Evaluation Situation. This is a practice activity for the end of year LES that the grade four students must complete. This unit will involve both classroom activities and assignments on Edmodo.  Please continue work on the x-tables. Those having trouble should show some improvement each week if they are practicing. Please be sure corrections are done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday.
The first Edmodo activity was delayed to this week. Information on how to use Edmodo can be found using the following links:

Parent tutorial

·        Piccola Gioia (hot lunch) orders are due Tuesday.
·        Please send in Vaccination forms
·        Friday is Free Dress (please send in 1$ or 2$ for the Children’s Hospital Foundation)
·       Library is every Thursday

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 20, Tuesday: pg 21, Wednesday: pg 22, Thursday: pg 23, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.

Reading Comprehension:
Could Your Body Go to Mars was due today

Spelling Lesson 3 due Monday October 29.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism, Nelson Math stencils and Problem Solving will be assigned during the week
PRISM chapters 1&2 test on Thursday.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 15 October 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Last week we finished our “Dream Story” along with a complimentary portrait. The x-table quiz will be counted for marks from now on. Please be sure corrections are done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday.
This week the students will be doing their first activity on Edmodo. The first activity will be done in class this week. Information on how to use Edmodo can be found using the following links:

Parent tutorial


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 16, Tuesday: pg17, Wednesday: pg 18, Thursday: pg 19, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.

Reading Comprehension:
Could Your Body Go to Mars (including Write About it activity) due Monday October 22.

Spelling Lesson 2 was due today.  Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. Nelson Ch. 2 work will also be assigned. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Prism chapters 1&2 will be tested at the same time.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

October 9-12

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend! The Infomercial Oral presentations were AMAZING! It was wonderful to see the imaginative ideas the students came up with. This Thursday, the x-table quiz will be counted for marks. Corrections must be done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday. Please be sure the x-tables are practiced every night. Even 5 minutes can make a difference!

Please note: Wednesday: Language test on Unit 1 (up to pg. 13)
**Library is on Thursdays**


For Language Power:
Monday: holiday, Tuesday: review for tomorrow’s test, Wednesday: pg 14, Thursday: pg 15, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned.
Please review pages 1-13, Language Test on Wednesday October 10.

Reading Comprehension:
Critters Cry for Help was due today

Spelling Lesson 2 is due Monday. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Chapter 1 in Prism is complete. We start Chapter 2 this week. Chapters 1&2 will be tested at the same time.
Tuesday: Prism pg. 33
Wednesday: Prism pg 36
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 1 October 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! This week we will be finally be finishing off our Field Day from the Black Lagoon book and our mini topic on dreams. Keep working on the Infomercial Oral presentation, it is due on Thursday October 4. This Thursday, the x-table quiz will be counted for marks. Corrections must be done in the Green Correction copybook, 3 times each. They will always be due on the following Monday. Please be sure the x-tables are practiced every night. Even 5 minutes can make a difference!

Please note: Thursday: Picture Day and Chocolate Drive distribution
                   Friday: ped. day
                   Monday: Thanksgiving


For Language Power:
Monday: pg 10, Tuesday: pg 11, Wednesday: pg 12, Thursday: pg 13, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 13.  
Unit 1 will be completed this week. Please review pages 1-13, Language Test on Wednesday October 10.

Reading Comprehension:
Critters Cry for Help due Tuesday October 9

Spelling Lesson 1 was due today. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18 ONLY.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
We will work on finishing Chapter 1 in Prism this week.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Monday, 24 September 2012


I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! This week we will be finishing off our Field Day from the Black Lagoon book. Keep working on the Infomercial Oral presentation, it is due on Thursday October 4. I will be moving the x-table quiz to Thursdays due to the fact the students are with me for 3 ½ hours. Please be sure the x-tables are practiced every night. Even 5 minutes can make a difference!

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 6, Tuesday: pg 7, Wednesday: pg 8, Thursday: pg 9, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 9.

Reading Comprehension:
Dinner Time was due today.

Spelling Lesson 1 will be due Monday October 1. We correct the following Monday. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Nelson Math stencils will also be sent home.
There will be a Nelson Math Test on Monday October 1, on Ch.1 lessons: 1,2,3,5,7 and 8.
Students can use the Nelson stencils I assigned for homework or the Nelson Math textbook.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Multiplication Quiz and Oral Presentation

5 Minute Multiplication Quiz

Yesterday was the first quiz of the school year! I will not be counting this quiz for the report card, but I am asking that it be used to determine how much studying needs to be done. 50 questions in 5 minutes should be attainable! Repeating the facts out loud, writing them down, playing math games on the computer or getting oral quizzes are all easy ways to practice. I know that next week will be better :)

Infomercial Oral

Instructions can be found in the Field Day From the Black Lagoon activity book. The students will present in front of the class and be graded with a rubric by the teacher. Props and index cards are welcome for the presentation.
Some students asked if they can record it at home and bring it in on a USB key to watch on the Smart Board. I am willing to give this a try. The format would have to be compatible with Windows Media Player though.  If I cannot get the presentation to work at school, they will have to present in front of the class the next day. Be imaginative and have fun!
PROJECT DUE: Thursday October 4, 2012.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Grade 4 Homework

Welcome to Ms.Telishewsky's Grade 4 blog!

Please check every Monday (or Tuesday if there is a ped. Day) for weekly homework and announcements.
Please be sure your child brings a reusable water bottle to school every day!

This week we will be starting our regular homework schedule.

For Language Power:
Monday: pg 2, Tuesday: pg 3, Wednesday: pg 4, Thursday: pg 5, each page will be corrected in class the day after it is assigned. If you want to do the first 4 pages in one night, go ahead! Just don't pass page 5. There will be a test at the end of every unit. I will give one week to practice.

Reading Comprehension:
I assign a story every other week on Monday and the students have a week to complete it. We correct the following Monday. This week is: Dinner Time pgs 1-5

Next week, Spelling Lesson 1 will be assigned. I assign a lesson every other week on Monday and the students have a week to complete it. We correct the following Monday. A Spelling Test is given with Lessons 6, 12 and 18.

Pages in Math Prism will be assigned during the week. It is possible some students will have had time to complete them in class.
Nelson Math stencils will also be sent home. When there is a test, I will let you know which Prism chapter and which Nelson lessons will be included on the test.

Weekly Multiplication and Division Quizzes:
Start Tuesday. Students will be given 5 minutes to complete 50 facts. This will give everyone an idea of how much studying they need to do.

I will be including links on my page that the students can use for educational entertainment as well as links that go with our class themes.

Parents, be sure to initial the agenda every night, and sign the Behaviour Chart in the agenda every Friday.

Let’s make this a wonderful year!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

September 5-7

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! As we head into another short week, there are a few things I would like to bring to your attention. For my homeroom Gr.52, the students glued a schedule into their agendas last week.
Please note: Gym will be on Tuesday and Thursday
                   Library will be on Friday afternoons, starting in Oct.

This week I will be introducing our year long theme, “How Can I Make a Difference?” Your children will be learning about the environment and issues pertaining to children and their place in this world. We will be starting with, “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.”
They will be coming home with information to share and activities to work on.

I will also be introducing the ELA theme of Ancient Egypt. Ms. Koscher and I will be using printed materials as well as internet sites. Please access the links at the side of this blog.

Homework this week will simply be catching up with any unfinished class work, labeling the Prism Math and Language Power workbooks, and ensuring that paperwork for the office has been returned, including lunch orders.

I will also send home Scholastic this week, please return any orders (CHEQUES only please) by Tuesday September 11.

Reminder that Open House will be held the evening of Tuesday September 11, 2012.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

First Grade 5 Blog Entry

Welcome parents and Grade 5 students to a brand new year at Hillcrest! It is sure to be an amazing year J

On this blog you will find information about class activities, weekly homework assignments, links for websites or video clips and reminders for assignments.

I usually update every Monday or the first day of the school week if there is a ped. day. Check back as often as you like.

Homework for the first day of school simply consists of filling out the health form that was sent home in your child’s agenda today and sending in a picture of your child tomorrow. I would like the diameter of the face to be 4cm (note: it will be cut.)

Let’s make this a wonderful year!

Ms. Telishewsky

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

June 11-15

We are already into our last full week of school! Please bring in a reusable water bottle EVERY DAY. Please be sure to sign and return all end of term tests. Remember this last term counts as 60% of their overall mark.

Cycle 2 Fieldtrip is cancelled.


Students will be bringing books and portfolios home this week.


Monday, 4 June 2012

June 4-8

June is here already! Please bring in a reusable water bottle EVERY DAY. The 4s will be working on Ch.14 in Prism and the 5s will be finishing their fractions in Chapter 13 of Prism.
Grade 4 will have a Math test on Friday June 8. (see below)
Grade 5 will have a Math test on Wednesday June 6. (see below)

GRADE 5s have the Ottawa trip on Friday! Please report to school at 6:30 am, bus leaves at 7:00 am SHARP!


Spelling test on Lesson 18 - 5s – Wednesday June 6, 4s - Friday June 8.

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 51-60 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½ minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Prism Ch. 14 pages
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 13 pages


Monday, 28 May 2012

May 28-June 1

The weather will be hot this week! Please bring in a reusable water bottle EVERY DAY. Friday is a ped. day J The 4s will be working on Ch.14 in Prism and the 5s will be finishing their fractions in Chapter 13 of Prism.
Grade 4 will have a Math test on Friday June 8 and 5s will have a Math test on Tuesday June 5. (see below)
*Grade 4s will be working in their CAT 4 government exam this week.*


Spelling Lesson 17 & 18 due Monday June 4. Spelling test on Lesson 18 Friday June 8.

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 46-50 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½ minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Prism Ch. 14 pages; test on Friday June 8
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 13 pages; test on Ch 12 & 13 on Tuesday June 5


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

May 22-25

The weather will be hot this week! Please bring in a reusable water bottle EVERY DAY. Jump Rope for Heart is tomorrow afternoon, please bring in a skipping rope J The 4s will be working on Geometry in their Prism and Nelson book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 13 of Prism.
Grade 4’s will have a Math test on Friday May 25. (see below)


Spelling Lesson 16 due Monday May 28

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 41-45 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½ minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Prism Ch. 13 pages and Nelson Ch.7 Lesson 5 (measuring angles), Ch.11 Lesson 1 (sketching faces)
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 13 pages, Tuesday: Prism pgs: 182,183,184


Monday, 14 May 2012

May 14-17

Lovely weather this week! There is a ped. day on Friday! J Gr. 4s will be finishing the English LES “Does Money Matter?” and the 5s will be finishing their Underground to Canada project. The 4s will be working on Geometry in their Prism and Nelson book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 12 of Prism.
Grade 4s will have a Math test on Friday May 25. (see below)

Grade 5s - THURSDAY May 17 is the last day for payment for the Ottawa trip or your spot will not be guaranteed


Spelling Lesson 15 due Tuesday May 22

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 36-40 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½ minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Nelson stencils
Test: Prism Ch. 13 pages and Nelson Ch.7 Lesson 5 (measuring angles), Ch.11 Lesson 1 (sketching faces)
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 12 pages, Wednesday: Please sign Ch.11 retest


Monday, 7 May 2012

May 7-11

May has arrived! J Gr. 4s will be working on the English LES “Does Money Matter?” and the 5s will be working on their Underground to Canada project. The 4s will be working on Geometry in their Prism book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 12 of Prism.
Math test on Tuesday.


Language Final reviews: Units 4,5,6 due Friday
Reading Comprehension
4s – The Contest due Monday
5s – Two Sisters due Monday

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 31-35 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, 60 equations in 2 ½  minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Prism Ch. 13 pages
Gr.5 – Prism Ch. 12 pages


Monday, 30 April 2012

Apr.30-May 4

Hello May! J Gr 4s will be working on the English LES “Does Money Matter?” and the 5s will be working on their Underground to Canada project. The 4s will be working on fractions/decimals in their Nelson book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 11 of Prism. Both grades will have a Math test on Tuesday May 8, 2012.
4s- Prism Chapter 12 and Nelson Decimal activities
5s – Prism Chapters 10&11


Language Final reviews: Units 1,2,3 due Friday

Spelling Lesson #14 due Monday

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 26-30 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, last week for 60 equations in 3 minutes.


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Nelson Math stencils
Gr.5 – Monday: Prism pg:160


Monday, 23 April 2012


The end of April is near J I look forward to listening to the Oral presentations this week! Our Judy Blume novels are done. Gr 4s will be working on the English LES “Does Money Matter?” and the 5s will be working on their Underground to Canada project. The 4s will be working on fractions/decimals in their Nelson book and the 5s will be continuing their fractions in Chapter 11 of Prism.


Reading Comprehension
4s – The One Inch Boy due Monday
5s – The Race due Monday

Problem Solving
Happy 100 Problems #s 21-25 will be assigned in class, incomplete work must be done over the weekend

Multiplication and Division test Wednesday, last week for 60 equations in 3 minutes.

Oral Presentations – Due this week! Please see blog from last week


Prism pages
Gr.4 – Nelson Math stencils
Gr.5 – Monday: Prism pg:153

·       Scholastic due Tuesday
·       DON’T FORGET LIBRARY Wednesday*